If you have a Simple Salon Dome, then this is a great feature for you.
As you are aware, you can share clients between your locations. Due to each of your child location accounts being connected to your Dome, you can bring up the same client card for any client in any location. This gives your clients the flexibility to visit any location, which is convenient for them, and know that their history and details exist in all locations. In any location, the client can simply pick up from where they left off at the last location they visited.
Furthermore, if your clients purchase a pre-paid salon package, which is made up of multiple pre-paid services and/or products, in one location then they can go to a different location and redeem any of these pre-paid items.
Create your packages in your Dome first
To be able to do this, you do first need to create your Salon Packages in your Dome Admin page, then use the Sharing link to share the packages into each of the locations they're available in.
Once you've done that, Browse down or directly log into the location where your client is purchasing the package, and sell it to them via POS.
Package items will be displayed in the Packages section at the bottom of the client's Client Card, in a Pending state:
In the above screenshot, we are logged into 'The Salon' child location. If this client wanted to book in at another location instead, you won't need to log out. Simply click Lock In.
You'll be taken over to the Appointments page, and will notice that the appointment is on the Clipboard.
This means you can now switch to different location and paste this appointment there. Simply click on the 3 lines next to your location name as shown below:
Once you've clicked on the other location, you'll see the location name on the Appointments page change to the other location. In this example we're now looking at 'The Hairchester's' Appointment page while we're logged in to 'The Salon':
Simply go through the dates and click on the time slot where you want this package item appointment to go:
Done, the pre-paid package item is now booked into a different location to the one where they originally purchased the package. As you can see, we didn't need to log out of our current location!
Simply click the Appointments button again to go back to your location's appointments.
If you go back to the client's client card now, you'll see that there is one less pre-paid service Pending in the Packages section, and you will be able to view the appointment in the Visits section:
The client can book in for their pre-paid package services anywhere they wish.
If you have any questions, please send them to us via the Submit a Request option in your Help & Support page—we're here to help.