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Surcharge with Advanced Discounting
Surcharge without using Advanced Discounting
Surcharge with Advanced Discounting
When Advanced Discounting is enabled, a "Discount" button is added to POS. This allows you to apply "Whole Transaction" discounts or surcharges that you have created.
If you haven't already, you'll need to enable Advanced Discounting by clicking here.
Now go to Admin, then into the Lists tab.
Click the Select Lists drop-down menu, and choose Discount Types:
Click New, and the Discount Type Details menu will open on the right:
Click the Applied To drop-down menu, and select Whole Transaction. (This means this surcharge is applied to the entire sale in POS, instead of a single item).
Give the discount type a Name (i.e. "Surcharge")
Select whether you want to have a Dollar ($) or Percentage (%) surcharge.
Put the amount in the Amount field with a - sign in front of the number (e.g. -3).
It is important to add the minus (-) sign in front of the number, as this converts it into a surcharge. Click Save once you're done.
To apply the Surcharge:
Go to POS, and add the client to the sale with their items.
Click the Discount button, like so:
Click the drop-down menu, and choose the surcharge you've just created. Click Apply:
The surcharge will now be applied to the sale! You can continue to Receive Payment when you're ready:
How to Surcharge without Advanced Discounting
If you don't have Advanced Discounting enabled, you can add a surcharge or booking fee to a client's sale by creating a service or product called Surcharge.
In this example, we'll be creating a Service.
Go to Admin, then into Services.
Select the category for this surcharge to be created in (or you can create a new category).
Then click New, and give it a Name on the right side panel, e.g. "Surcharge".
Enter the surcharge amount into the Price ($) section. If the surcharge amount is not a set dollar amount, you can leave this is $0. Click Save.
Now go to POS add the client to the sale, click Add Items.
Choose Services or Products (depending on what you created the surcharge as) and choose the "Surcharge" from the menu on the right side panel:
If you set the Surcharge price as $0 previously, you can now enter the actual surcharge amount in Final Price section.
Click Save once complete and the amount will be added to the client's sale!
If you have any further questions, send them to us via your Help & Support page by clicking the Submit a Request option—we're here to help.