Simple Salon is designed to track all client history. This includes appointments and all notes made on these appointments. Each client card has a Visits section where all history is recorded.
Making history notes and comments on a client's appointment
All appointment specific notes (e.g. colour history) are to be saved on the client's actual appointments. To make an appointment specific note simply click the client's name on their appointment to bring up Visit Details.
Click inside the Comments section of the Visit Details window and type in your note.
This note can be as long as you want, the text box is unlimited. When you have finished entering your appointment note, click Save.
Note: If your comments don't have the 'Save And Lock' feature but you would like to turn them on, please check out this article for information on how this works:
The N flag will display on the client's appointment to indicate that there is a note on it.
Various places you can view client history notes
There are a few different places where you can view your client's appointment history notes. One of those places is in the client's client card. To get there, simply click the client's name on their appointment, and click the client's first name link (it's a link to their client card).
In the Visits section at the bottom of the client card, you will see a notepad icon next to any appointments which have an appointment note/comment on them:
Note: Green highlighted visits refer to appointments TODAY, yellow highlighted visits refer to FUTURE appointments, and white visits refer to PAST appointments.
Click the notepad icon to view the appointment note. Click OK once you are finished viewing the note.
Another place where you can view the client history notes is back in the Appointment page. Click the client's name on their appointment again and this time, in the Visit Details window, click the History tab.
The client's past appointments (which have comments made on them) will be displayed in the window. This is a quick way of viewing what the client had last time they were in.
This is how to record and track your client's appointment history. To learn how to record and view client specific comments on their client card, click here.
If you have any questions, please send them to us via the Submit a Request option in your Help & Support page.