You can check your client's past appointments and corresponding history notes with just a few clicks. This can be done either while you're making a client's appointment — or after the appointment has already been made. Either way this can be done without having to navigate away from your Appointments page!
Viewing Client History while making the appointment:
When you are adding in your client for an appointment and selecting their services - you can click Client Details:
Selecting the History tab will show you past service history along with pricing and any appointment comments:
Viewing Client History after the appointment has been made:
Click the client's name on their appointment.
The Visit Details window will display. Simply click the History tab.
Your client's past appointments that have comments attached are displayed. You can see at a glance what notes you made last time, or the times before that. No need to navigate away from your Appointments page into the client card, it's all there in 2 simple clicks.
If you have any questions, please send them through via the Submit a Request button in your Help & Support page.