It might be a little much to be constantly logging into Simple Salon throughout the day using your Username, Password and Company ID.
The 4 Digit PIN Quick Login feature allows you and your staff to quickly sign in and out of Simple Salon, to ensure that all activities are tracked per operator.
To begin the day, someone will first need to LOG IN using a set of login details—Username, Password, and Company ID.
Then throughout the day, your operators can SIGN IN using their 4 digit PIN numbers. This will ensure that all activities are tracked per operator i.e. appointment updates, appointment deletions, transactions etc. These activities are tracked in your Activity Report.
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Enabling the Quick Login feature
Issuing 4 digit pin to Users (staff that have a Username/Password login via Manage Users)
Issuing 4 digit pin to Operators (staff that have an operator column on the Appointments page)
Enabling the Quick Login feature
You will first need to log into your Simple Salon account as an Administrator user.
Then to enable the 4 Digit Quick Login, head over to your Settings (by clicking the circle icon on the top right), and then into Application Settings.
Tick Enable Quick Login and select from the drop down menu your Quick Login—this is how long you want to stay logged in for while your Simple Salon is not being used.
After this set amount of time, your account will automatically sign out to the PIN screen. Save these changes.
Note: If you make the Timeout too short, you might find the system signing out too soon. Keep in mind that you will be signed out if nothing has been interacted with for the set length of time.
At any time you can select the Sign Out option (top menu bar):
You and your staff can simply enter their 4 digit PIN, and you're back in!
You also have the Log Out option below the pin screen if you ever need to log out completely.
Issuing 4 digit pin to Users
You can find a User's 4 Digit Pin via Account (by clicking the circle icon on the top right).
Then in the Manage Users section, click Edit next to the relevant user:
A unique pin code will be automatically set per user, next to PIN.
If you ever want to create a new pincode, simply click Generate New.
Issuing 4 digit pin to Operators
To find an operator's pin number, pop over to your Admin page, and into the Operators tab.
Edit an operator and expand (+) the Security section on the right side panel.
Each operator will have a different PIN, therefore you will need to go into the Security section for each operator and give them their unique PIN. You can click Generate New to generate a new pin number.
You need to also ensure that the correct Security Role is set per Operator. For example, if an Operator should only have "Staff" access, then make sure their Security Role is set to Staff. For more information on user access, click here.
Note: If someone has both an Operator column, and has their own User login, then you can use either of the pin codes provided in both the Operator Details or User Details sections.
If you have any questions, please send them to us via the Submit a Request option in your Help & Support page—we're here to help.