Your clients can purchase Gift Vouchers online!
Before we get started:
1. You need to have "Cash" Gift Vouchers added via Admin > Redeemables. Click here if you haven't created any Cash Gift Vouchers yet.
2. You need to connect to the Stripe payment gateway in order to process online payments. Click here to learn how to connect to Stripe.
Once you've created your vouchers and connected to Stripe, feel free to jump ahead—we'll be covering the following in this article:
Adding Gift Vouchers to Your Online Booking Site
Purchasing a Gift Voucher Online
Adding Gift Vouchers to Your Online Booking site
To get started you will need to choose which Gift Vouchers you'd like displayed online.
Go to Online.
Under the Setup tab expand Online Gift Vouchers
Click the Add Gift Vouchers link:
Scroll down the list and click the circle next to each of the Gift Vouchers you'd like to make available online, then click Save.
NOTE: If there are no vouchers are showing up for selection, this means no Cash vouchers have been created. Service/Product type vouchers cannot be sold online—only Cash vouchers can be sold online. Please click here to learn how to create Cash vouchers.
The vouchers will be added:
Select Edit next to any gift voucher to update the price (any changes made here will also be reflected in Admin > Redeemables):
Purchasing a Gift Voucher Online
Here's what the client sees when they purchase a Gift Voucher via your Online Booking site.
Click View Bookings Site.
Click/tap the Vouchers tab:
The client will choose the voucher by clicking Add next to the relevant voucher.
It will be added to the Cart.
After clicking Proceed to Payment, the client will have a final review of their item/s:
They can select a saved payment method, or add a new credit card. They’ll finalise the payment by clicking the Pay button
Once payment is successful, they’ll get the following pop-up:
Clients need to enter in the recipient's name and email address on the next page. They can also enter a message:
If the gift voucher is for themselves, they simply enter in their own email address.
They'll get sent an email with their Voucher ID which can be used in person or online.
Clients can then access any purchased gift vouchers and resend them, via the My Vouchers tab:
The voucher purchase will also be displayed in the client's Client Card in your Simple Salon account.
Simply search for the client in the Client Search, and click on their name.
You’ll find the purchased voucher under the GIFT VOUCHERS section:
Go ahead and get those vouchers online to increase sales today!
If you have any questions, please send them to us via the Submit a Request option in your Help & Support page.