Clients love the convenience of booking online, so let's make sure they know how to do it.
Send Online Booking URL using auto message types
Add your Online Booking URL to any of the following auto message types to ensure that your clients know how to book their appointments online.
First Visit Message
Clients Who Haven't Been in
Follow Up Message
Re-Book Reminder
To do this, you'll need to make a copy of the default template message, then add in your Online URL. In this example we'll show you how to add the URL to the Re-Book Reminder.
The process will be the same for each option, you'll just need to edit a different default template.
Your SMS & Email Templates are located in Admin > Lists > SMS & Email Templates:
Because in this example we are looking to add the URL to the Rebook Reminder, we're going to locate the "Default SMS Rebooking" template.
Once you've located the relevant Template, click "Copy". This is going to bring you to the backend of a new SMS template, with the wording of the default message copied through.
As you can see, this is the default wording that is used for the "Re-book Reminder" message.
To actually attach your Online Booking URL, you are going to use the Add Tag drop-down menu, and select Online Booking URL.
Selecting this will display in the template as #onlineurl#. This is known as a Tag:
When this Tag is in the message, the system will automatically add your salon's unique Online Booking URL to the actual SMS when it sends (you can also locate your unique Online Booking URL by going to Online, then to the Admin tab).
Note: If you would like to learn more about the Add Tag feature, or customising templates in general, click here.
In the example below, we've replaced the default telephone number tag that was attached, and have replaced it will the #onlineurl# tag. We've also changed the Template Name to easily locate this new template in the template list.
You can send yourself a preview of the message before saving. When you're happy with it, select Save.
NOTE: Try to keep the SMS message below 160 characters. Keep in mind that the URL will add extra characters once it's inserted into the text. For more information on how many characters you can have in an SMS, click here.
Select your new template as the one that gets sent to new clients
While still in Admin, go to the SMS & Email tab.
Under the 1-Touch Marketing section, select Edit next to the message type you have just created your new template for.
In this case, we're updating the Rebook Reminder:
Drop down the SMS Template menu and choose the template you just created, then click Save.
Done! Now whenever this message is set to be sent out, the new template we have created with the Online Booking URL will be used.
Click here to see how you can promote online bookings through to new clients.
If you ever have any questions, please send them to us via the Submit a Request option in your Help & Support page—we're here to help.