Anytime your clients reply to an SMS you send to them, the replies will be emailed to your company email address (the email address you have in your Account page).
However, it is possible to change this to a different email address, or turn off the notification completely (so you don't receive response emails).
To do this:
1. Go to Settings (by clicking the blue circle icon on the top right corner).
2. Then into Marketing Settings.
3. In the SMS Notification Email Address section, enter in the email address you want these notification emails to get sent to moving forward. If instead you don't want it sent at all, simply deselect the SMS Response Notification setting.
4. Click Save once you're done!
Tip: If you would like SMS Response Notifications to send to multiple email addresses, you can do so by adding a semicolon (;) in between each email address. For example:;;