Simple Salon allows you to see a list of all clients referred by any one client via the Client Marketing Report.
Go to Reporting, select the Report List, and click the Client Marketing Report.
Change the dates of the report and click Show Details for Clients Who Referred Someone.
The search results will show you the client(s) who referred someone during this date range.
If you would like to see a list of the clients any one client has referred, simply click the Details link in their row.
Rewarding clients who have referred someone
Perhaps you would like to reward these clients who have referred someone, with a Gift Voucher or additional Loyalty Points.
To reward the clients who referred someone, whilst looking at the Client Marketing Report, select Show Details for Clients Who Referred Someone and you will see a pink heart next to each client.
Click the pink heart and you can reward them with extra points on the right side, and/or with a Gift Voucher.
To reward them with a Gift Voucher, choose the Gift Voucher you want to give them from the menu, and click Reward. Write the Gift Voucher ID on the actual voucher/card you give to the client. This means you can track the voucher when it returns to the salon.
If you want to reward them with loyalty points, simply enter in the number of points they are receiving and click Reward. You can also reward clients with both.
NOTE: If you need to create the voucher in which you are rewarding them with, click here to learn how.
If you have any questions, please send them to us via the Submit a Request option in your Help & Support page.