Looking to enhance your online security? You're in the right place. This article will guide you through the steps to update your password. Let's jump right in!
1. Click the blue circle icon on the top right corner, then select Account.
2. In the Manage Users section, click Edit next to the relevant user (e.g. administrator).
3. In the right side panel tick Change Password. Type in your new password, then type it again below.
4. Ensure that the Email section is also filled out, as this is the email that will be used if you ever forget your password.
5. Click Save once complete!
What if I forget my password?
If you forget your password, you can click the Forgot your Password? link on the LOGIN page.
Simply enter in your Username and Company ID as prompted. Then, once you click Get Password, your password will be sent to the email address linked to your user login.
How to create login details for your staff
It's a good idea to issue each staff user their own login details. That way all transactions, appointment updates, appointment deletions etc are tracked per user. To do this:
1. Click the blue circle icon on the top right corner, then select Account.
2. In the Manage Users section, click New.
3. In the right side panel, you'll need to:
- Give them a Username. This is what they'll use in the Username field on our LOGIN page.
- Select their Security Role (i.e. staff, manager or administrator)
- Enter in their Password (and enter it again below to confirm)
- Enter in their Email (this is the email that will be used if they forget their password).
- (Optional) Enter in their Mobile Number, First Name & Surname.
4. Click Save once complete!
You can create as many users as you need! If you would like more information on user access and what each security role means, click here.
Feel free to check out the next article in the Getting Started section to see what to do next.
If you have any questions, please send them to us via the Submit a Request option in your Help & Support page.