The Simple Salon Advanced Discounting feature will help you set up and keep track of all your discounts. You can create special discounts for your clients such as a "limited time" offer, or as part of a broader marketing campaign, for targeted client groups—the choice is yours.
To turn on this great feature, go to your Settings page and click on Cash Register Settings.
Tick Enable Advanced Discounting and Save.
To make the most of this feature, let's come up with some promotions. To do that go to your Admin page, select your Lists tab, and click Discount Types (this example shows some discount types have already been created).
To create a new discount type select New.
Under Discount Type Details, you'll see you have your Standard Options and your Advanced Options:
First you'll fill in the details for your discount under Standard Options:
With Advanced Discounting, you can create a discount that's for individual items in POS, or you can create a discount that's for the whole transaction.
Under Applied To, you'll select either Items or Whole Transaction:
Note: You can still apply an Item discount to individual Services, Products, Packages etc in POS—even when there is a discount already applied to the whole transaction.
Next you'll give the discount a Name, and choose between creating a Percentage discount (e.g. 10% off) or your can create a Dollar discount (e.g. $10 off):
At this point you can Save, but if you wanted to go a step further you can click on Advanced Options:
You will see a selection of additional options which can be applied to the discount.
These powerful options allow you to restrict the discount to apply only to certain days of the week, or for a limited period of time (Limited Date Range).
In addition, the discount might apply to special Client Categories, and you can set the discount so that it is applied automatically at POS when the criteria you have set is applicable.
For example, if you wanted a discount to be applied everyday, you would select Week and Weekend under Available On, and you'd ensure Apply Automatically is ticked.
Once you have created your discount, click Save!
Once you've created your discounts, they can now be applied in POS (if you've enabled 'Apply Automatically', the discount will already be applied if the set criteria is met).
To apply a discount to an individual item, simply click the row the item/service is on to bring up the Edit Service Item window:
Then you can use the Discount Type dropdown menu to select your chosen discount as shown above, and then Save. You'll now see that the discount has been applied to the item.
If you want to apply a discount to the whole transaction, you can click the Discount link at the bottom of POS:
Any Discount Type that was created for the Whole Transaction can be found here. Simply select your discount from the Add Discount To Sale dropdown menu, and then click Apply:
Great! The discount has now been applied to the whole transaction. You can also apply a discount to individual Services, Products, Packages etc, even when there is a discount already applied to the whole transaction:
Reporting and Tracking Discounts
Now you have created your discount, how do you track how many times the discount has been used? Or if you are running a special discount promotion, how popular it is?
Simply go to your Reporting section and click on the Report List tab and open the Advanced Discount Report.
Here you will be able to select a date range and see how popular a particular discount promotion has been and which operators are using it. This is fantastic way to keep track of an advertised discount, possibly as part of an email or SMS campaign as you will be able to see the take-up rate and how popular it's been with bringing in new or reoccurring business.
Selecting Show Details next to the discount will allow you to view Clients that have redeemed these discounts during the specified date period:
As well as the Items that the discount was applied to:
Use your Advanced Discounting feature and start promoting your special discount offers today!
If you have any questions, please let us know via the Submit a Request option in your Help & Support page.