When taking payments online, it's likely you have a Cancellation Policy or Deposit Policy that you'd like customers to be aware of, prior to making their booking.
You have the ability to add a Terms & Conditions option, which links to a page on your website that goes through your policy or booking conditions.
To add this, go to Online, then into Admin.
In General Settings, you'll notice a BOOKING TERMS section:
This is where you can enter in the URL that links to your booking policy, i.e. you can copy the URL from your website, and paste it in the above section.
If you're unsure how to do so:
1. Go to the page on your website that shows your booking policy.
2. Right-click the URL address in the URL bar at the very top of the page, and click Copy:
3. Go back to Simple Salon. Right click in the Online Booking Terms and Conditions URL section, and select Paste:
4. Click Save and you're done.
Great! Your booking policy page will now be linked to your Online Booking site:
This is what it will look like when clients go to checkout:
As you can see, there is an I agree to the Terms & Conditions option added.
Clients will not be able to proceed with the booking, as the button will remain greyed out and unclickable until they have checked the box.
When clients click the Terms & Conditions link, they'll be taken over to the page that you've linked from your website.
NOTE: You can only link to a URL in the Online Booking Terms and Conditions URL section. If you try to enter in normal text into the URL field, it will send the client to an error page. If you do not have a website to link to, you could write a short booking conditions policy in your Profile Description instead.
If you have any questions at all, please send them to us from your Help & Support page by clicking Submit a Request—we're here to help!