Once you've logged in to Simple Salon, click on the Safari menu drop down which appears and select the Preferences option:
After clicking Preferences a window similar to the one below will appear and you'll need to select the Websites icon then select Pop-up Windows as shown below.
Once you've clicked on the Pop-up Windows section, click on the Block and Notify drop down next to any sites with simplesalon.com and select Allow.
You can also change the 'When visiting other websites' drop down to 'Allow' if you'd like to allow pop-ups for all sites.
This will ensure that all sites will allow pop ups.
Once you have completed the above process, see how you go printing the reports or clicking on the Buy Credits link.
Still not working or your screen looks different?
Don't stress, this just means you have an older version of Safari. Please follow the instructions below:
Click on the Safari menu drop down which appears, select the Preferences option:
After clicking Preferences a window similar to the one below will appear and you'll need to select the Security icon:
Once you've clicked the Security icon, un-tick Block pop-up windows which will update the settings.
If you have any questions, please send them to us via the Submit a Request option in your Help & Support page