If you would like to attach documents and images to clients' appointments, you can!
Simple Salon allows you to upload files and images to your client's appointments using the Document & Photo Management feature. These images and files will become apart of their client history, and can be viewed on their Client Card.
You can also upload photos or files directly into a clients' Client Card. Click here to see how this is done.
First locate the client's appointment on your Appointments page, then click their name.
In the Visit Details window, click the Images/Files tab. To upload an Image, simply click the icon in the Images section. Similarly, to upload a file, click the
icon in the Files section:
After selecting the upload option (), you'll be prompted to drag and drop your images or files, or you can also select the Browse option to find the files/images on your computer or device. You can drag and drop multiple images at a time:
Once the file(s) or image(s) have been uploaded, it will display in the relevant section—the most recently uploaded file/image will display first.
Simply click on a file or image to view it:
Selecting the icon in the Images section will display your images in list format, where you can Download, Edit or Delete an image:
By default, only Administrators have the ability to 'Delete' Files or Images. If you would like a Manager or Staff User to have access to delete files, this can be updated in Security Settings.
To do this, click the right top-hand corner and go to Settings:
Then go to the Security tab. Locate the Delete Access to Images/Files setting and choose from the drop-down menu what level of access is required to delete images/files.
Click Save once you've made your changes.
If you have any questions, please send them to us via the Submit a Request option in your Help & Support page.